Monday, October 25, 2010

"And what's this fish doing in my ear?"-- Arthur Dent

It's been a bit since I last posted but that's because things have been even crazier than usual.

Maggie passed away last week due to advanced pancreatic cancer. It was a total shock but then again it wasn't... we knew that she was getting old and that it was just a matter of time. Her quality of life was also deteriorating...

Still. I can't believe that I've lost yet another significant person in my life. I've yet to even begin to get over loosing my uncle so suddenly in May and now I have to deal with loosing Maggie.

I guess with both deaths there is a lot of regret over leaving CA for so long. I missed out on so much with both of them. I never got to see one of my uncle's shows... I barely herded with Maggie...

Then again I know both of them loved me very much and were happy that I was happy. If I had stayed in CA I wouldn't have met Alec and that would have been a huge loss.

Love you both...

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